Manage users

Odoo defines a user as someone who has access to a database to perform daily tasks. You can add as many users as you need and, in order to restrict the type of information each user can access, rules can be applied. Users and access rights can be added and changed at any point.

See also

Add individual users

Go to Settings ‣ Manage Users and click on Create.

View of the settings page emphasizing the manage users field in Odoo
Fill in the form with the needed information. Under the tab Access Rights choose the group within each application the user can have access to.
The list of applications shown is based on the applications installed on the database.
View of a user’s form emphasizing the access rights tab in Odoo

When you are done editing the page and have Saved it, an invitation email is automatically sent to the user. The user must click on it to accept the invitation and create a login.

View of a user’s form with a notification that the invitation email has been sent in Odoo

Deactivate users

Go to Settings ‣ Users & Companies ‣ Users, open the user you want to deactivate, click on Action, and then on Archive.


Never deactivate the main user (admin).

Passwords management

Reset passwords

Enable password resets from login page

It is possible to enable password resets directly from the login page.

To do so, go to Settings ‣ Permissions, activate Password Reset and Save.

Enabling Password Reset in Odoo Settings

Send reset instructions to users

Go to Settings ‣ Users & Companies ‣ Users, select the user out of the list and click on Send Password Reset Instructions on its user form. An email is automatically sent to them.


The Send Password Reset Instructions button only appears if the Odoo invitation email has already been confirmed by the user.

This email contains all the instructions needed to reset the password, along with a link redirecting the user to an Odoo login page.

Example of an email with a password reset link for an Odoo account

Change users’ passwords

Go to Settings ‣ Users & Companies ‣ Users and select a user to access its form. Click on the Action button and select Change Password.

Change another user's password on Odoo

Enter a new password and confirm by clicking on Change Password.


This operation only modifies the password of the users locally and does not affect their account. If you want to change the password, you can send the password reset instructions.

Click on Change Password one more time. You are then redirected to an Odoo login page where you can reaccess your database using your new password.

Multi Companies

The Multi Companies field allows you to set to which of the multiple companies database you hold the user can have access.


Note that if not handled correctly, it may be the source of a lot of inconsistent multi-company behaviors. Therefore, a good knowledge of Odoo is required. For technical explanations refer to this documentation.

View of a user’s form emphasizing the multi companies field in Odoo