Websites¶ Website Pages Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Meta Tags Title, Description Keywords Content is King Use Social Networks Social Network Social Share Facebook Page Twitter Scroller Test Your Website URLs Handling URLs Structure Changes in URLs & Titles HTTPS Links: Nofollow Strategy Multi-Language Support Multi-Language URLs Language Annotation Language Detection Page Speed Introduction Images Static Resources: CSS Static Resources: Javascript CDN HTML Pages Responsive Design Browser Caching Scalability Search Engines Files Sitemap Structured Data Markup robots.txt Configuration Translations Process Multiple websites Setup Create the menu Switch from one website to another Add features Manage domain names Customize the visitor experience Publish specific content per website Publish a page in all websites Multi-companies Configure your eCommerce website Products only available on one website Products available on some websites Pricelists Payment Acquirers and Delivery Methods Customer accounts Technical hints for customization Unsplash (free images) Generate an Unsplash access key Generate an Unsplash access key for non-Odoo Online users Generate an Unsplash application ID reCAPTCHA v3 on forms Configuration On Google On Odoo Geo IP Installation (On-Premises Database) Installation How To Test GeoIP Geolocation In Your Odoo Website Reporting Link trackers Configuration Set up traceable URLs Follow-up on tracked links Google Analytics eCommerce Get started How to build a product page How to customize my catalog page Product Catalog Highlight a product Quick add to cart Manage my products Multiple images per product Adding multiple images to a product Product variants Create product attributes and variants Display type Edit product variants Set specific prices per variant How to import Products with Categories and Variants How to customize the file Why an “ID” column? How to import relation fields Get paid Manage orders paid with Payment Acquirers Checking the status of a payment Automatically generate invoices at order Capture payment after the delivery How customers can access their customer account Sign up Customer account Maximize my revenue How to sell pricier alternative products (upselling) Cross-selling: Accessory and Optional Products Accessory Products Optional Products How to enable comments & rating Setup Review the posts in real time Moderate & unpublish Adapt prices to website visitors Geo-IP automatically applies the right price Currency selector How to create & share promotional codes Setup Live Chat Set up External options Managing chat requests Leave or join a channel Ratings Customer Rating Make the rating public Commands and Canned Responses Use commands Send canned responses